Easy Articles Accordion
Transform Joomla Articles to FAQ section

Joomla! 4.0
Joomla! 5.0
Version: 4.3.7
Release Date: 11 December 2024
This module let you display your Joomla articles in accordion mode with ajax pagination support, transform your articles to FAQ section easily and quickly.
Main Features
- Display Joomla articles as accordions
- Fully ajaxified with pagination support
- No page reloading
- Joomla 4 and 5 support
- Bootstrap 5 support
- Fully responsive
- Extensive options for filtering, grouping, ordering and display
- and more ...
Display Features
- Articles are displayed as accordions using Bootstrap framework
- Support of ajaxified pagination
- Ability to open or close first accordion item by default
- show/hide date
- Change date type to display (created, modified, start publishing)
- Change date format
- Show/hide category
- Dhow/hide hits
- Show/hide author
- Show/hide tags
- Ability to display introtext or fulltext or both or choose auto mode.
- Ability to fix broken html in introtext
- Limit introtext characters
- Show/hide "read more" link
- Display "read more" with title
- Change "read more" limit characters
- Content Prepare support (plugin shortcodes display inside articles)
Filtering Features
- Ability to show or hide featured articles
- Ability to display only featured articles
- Control articles number to show
- Filter by categories (inclusive or exclusive)
- Filter by tags
- Filter by authors (inclusive or exclusive)
- Exclude specific articles
- Date filtering (date range or relative date)
Ordering Features
- Ability to order articles by many columns (id, title, created date, order ...)
- Change order direction
Grouping Features
- Grouping by year
- Grouping by month and year
- Grouping by author
- Grouping by category
- Grouping by tags
More features
- Joomla 4 and 5 support
- Bootstrap 5 framework support
- Ability to override
- Joomla caching support
- Module style support
- Permissions support
- Joomla download key and update server integration
- ... and more
v4.3.5 (2024-11-25)
- issue with prepare content feature
v4.3.4 (2024-10-30)
New Features
- Ability to add custom CSS code
- Force Joomla Bootstrap loading, to avoid problems with some templates that doesn't load complete BS
- Broken HTML Fix feature was improved
- introtext limit was not working properly
v4.3.2 (13/01/2024)
- Error in module when caching enabled
add margin top between items and pagination
v4.3.0 (17/05/2023)
New Features
- Prepare content support
- Ability to automatically fix broken html structure of full text
- Count limit param was not working
- Some php warnings